What’s on Newsmax TV Today?
Here’s today’s schedule for Newsmax TV.
Monday, Sep 16, 2024 EDT
American Agenda Bob Brooks and Katrina Szish present news and analysis. | |
The Chris Salcedo Show Conservative, liberty-loving host Chris Salcedo hits press bias and both political parties every day. | |
Carl Higbie Frontline Carl Higbie gives news analysis as he fights for American values. | |
The Record with Greta Van Susteren Greta Van Susteren gives the big news from Washington, D.C., New York, across America and around the world. | |
Rob Schmitt Tonight Rob Schmitt wraps up all the latest news and opinion, and sets the stage for the next day. | |
Prime News Delivery of comprehensive analysis and commentary, covering the latest national and international news. | |
Greg Kelly Reports The hardest-hitting stories from coast to coast; taking viewers from the Beltway to the Rust Belt and beyond to enlighten, expose, inform, and spotlight the stories that matter to them. | |
Chris Plante The Right Squad Chris Plante and a panel of guests discuss hot topics. | |
Rob Schmitt Tonight Rob Schmitt wraps up all the latest news and opinion, and sets the stage for the next day. | |
Prime News Delivery of comprehensive analysis and commentary, covering the latest national and international news. | |
Greg Kelly Reports The hardest-hitting stories from coast to coast; taking viewers from the Beltway to the Rust Belt and beyond to enlighten, expose, inform, and spotlight the stories that matter to them. | |
The Record with Greta Van Susteren Greta Van Susteren gives the big news from Washington, D.C., New York, across America and around the world. | |
Wendy Bell Common Sense Wendy Bell takes a deep dive into tough issues with guests from across the country. | |
Rob Carson's What in the World? Rob Carson dissects politics, cultural phenomena and the absurdity confronting America with humor and satire. | |
The Gorka Reality Check Sebastian Gorka exposes propaganda and hypocrisy from media, Big Tech, and D.C.'s Swamp. | |
Systematic Deception This cutting edge documentary is inspired by the book The Black History Bible, written by film producer Lisa Babbage. Systematic Deception brings light to a generation of manipulation by the Democrat Party. | |
Rob Carson's What in the World? Rob Carson dissects politics, cultural phenomena and the absurdity confronting America with humor and satire. | |
Wake Up America Rob Finnerty and Sharla McBride start the day with news and analysis. | |
The National Report "National Report" with Shaun Kraisman and Emma Rechenberg. for live breaking news from NY and Washington, on politics, health, finance, and lifestyle. | |
Newsline Bianca de la Garza tackles the big news from D.C., N.Y., across America, and around the world. | |
American Agenda Bob Brooks and Katrina Szish present news and analysis. |