Disclosure: Your support helps keep our site running! We earn referral fees for some of the products & services we recommend. Learn more

Full Disclosure: How Advertising and Affiliate Links Help Us Pay the Bills

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Summary: HotDog.com earns a commission when we refer customers to the products and services offered by affiliate partners.

This document explains how this site is supported financially and to keep us in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s guidelines.

The staff at HotDog.com works hard researching, testing, and analyzing streaming services and other cord-cutting products. As you can imagine, we don’t have the time nor resources to do all that work for free.

We make money through affiliate links. Here’s how that works. When we mention a service or a product and you make a purchase or sign up through the link, we may receive a small referral fee. Keep in mind, this fee comes at zero additional expense to you.

We have affiliate relationships with at least the following companies. We do our best to keep this up-to-date, but it may not include every company. Please assume that all external links to them and others will result in our getting a referral commission should you make a purchase, sign-up for a trial, or take other action:

We hope you find our website helpful. If you do, we encourage you to support us by making your purchases via our affiliate links. This is the only way we can keep this website free to use and free from banner ads.


If you have questions about this affiliate disclosure or anything else, please get in touch. We love hearing from you and are determined to be as open and transparent as possible.

Page Updates

  1. Added a few links. Misc content updates.

  2. Added useful links. Various changes to content.

  3. Misc changes to content.

  4. Linking. Formatting. Changed a few bits of content.

  5. Changed some content in main section.

  6. Misc changes to content.

  7. Small layout changes.

Frank Moraes
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