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Georgie Butler

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Georgie Butler is a writer and editor at HotDog. With over a decade working on all types of media content, Georgie’s versatility and obsession with researching every tiny detail ensures HotDog readers won’t find more accurate or helpful information anywhere else on the internet.

Having grown up addicted to streaming services, she is a master at uncovering where, when, and how to watch any kind of show or channel (especially for the cheapest price)! Her intense love of TV even led to a screenwriting degree, and Georgie remains an avid fiction writer in her spare time.

When not writing, Georgie also has a strong interest in sports, having competed for Great Britain in the European middle-distance triathlon championships. And once she’s tired of swimming, cycling, and running, she’ll either be watching sports online or once again absorbed in a TV drama or movie (sci-fi and rom-coms are her favorites).

Streaming Services and Gear

Based in the UK, Georgie is a current subscriber to the following:

Her device of choice is an Amazon Fire TV Stick or Samsung smart TV.

Her Work

Find Georgie

Feel free to write Georgie at [email protected].

Georgie Butler
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