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College Sports Live Review: Streaming From 70+ Schools, But Not Every Game

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One of the reasons why I love college sports is the amount of passion that goes into the game. The athletes on the field are not playing for money or promotions; they’re playing for pride, their school, and themselves.

It’s always that much more exciting when you watch the end of close game, because you know how much went into both performances.

If you’re like me and you love college sports, then you might want to check out College Sports Live.

CBS offers two streaming services all cord cutters should know about. The first one is CBS All Access, which offers over 7,500 TV episodes on demand.

The second services, also produced by CBS, is a streaming service that offers you a veritable bounty of college sporting events — College Sports Live. How many you ask? Over 18,000 events from other 30 different sports. To put that in perspective, there are only 8,760 hours in a year.

That means College Sports Live airs more games a year than you could ever hope to watch.

What is College Sports Live

College Sports Live costs $9.95 a month or $99.95 a year; which equals out to a discount of two months of service.  Like other streaming services, College Sports Live supports all of the major streaming devices; with an app offered in both the iTunes store and on Google Play.

College Sports Live offers over 15,000 Live Events from 75 Schools.

College Football Blitz

What is College Sports Live

College sports live covers events from over 70 participating schools, including SEC heavyweights like Auburn and Alabama. During football season, with College Sports Live you get something called College Football Blitz.

Essentially, College Football Blitz is the CBS version of ESPN Goal Line TV. For 10 hours on Saturday, you’ll get access to live analysis, interviews, and cut-ins on games. It may not be a deal-making feature, but it’s a great add-on nonetheless.

Is College Sports Live right for you?

So at this point, you’re probably wondering: Is College Sports Live better than what I have now? And the answer to that depends what you’re looking for.

Most definitely the biggest advantage to College Sports Live is being able to follow some of the minor college teams that you couldn’t otherwise watch. For example if you’re a fan of Eastern Carolina University, then College Sports Live is most definitely worth the price.

However, if you’re hoping to follow all of the majors games in a college season, you might be disappointed. For example, while you get Alabama and Auburn football games you don’t get the entire SEC. If you like college basketball, sorry no Duke coverage.

Full List of Schools

College Sports Live List of Schools

So you are faced with a trade-off. On the one hand you get coverage of some of the minor teams in college sports but on the other you miss out on some of the biggest games of the season. When it comes to College Sports Live, it all depends on what you’re looking for.

College Sports Live: Bottom Line

If you want all of the games that would air on ESPN (including SportsCenter), then you’re probably better off with something like Sling TV.

If you like match-ups of minor teams, and coverage of your favorite small college team, then College Sports Live is what you want when you get rid of cable TV.

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Frank Moraes
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NC State is well covered by ESPN channels. See our review of ACC Network. It is available from most of the live TV streaming services.

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