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JTS.TV Review: Is This Online TV Station Still Relevant as Cable TV Alternative?

Last Updated:

Note: JTS.TV seems to have ended service.

JTS.TV stands for Just the Story, and that’s exactly what you get. JTS.TV is an independent television online TV station whose primary focus is providing content that is free of advertisements but high in quality.

Rather than annoy you, the viewer, with unnecessary ads, the channel aims stream shows directly – with no advertisements incorporated in its broadcasts. In essence, JTS.TV offers commercial free high quality independent TV for a fraction of the cost of traditional Cable TV.

How Much does JTS.TV Cost?

JTS.TV is able to provide this service by charging a subscription fee. These monthly dues are what enable the network to keep afloat. The monthly subscription cost is a very affordable $3.99 a month – with even lower cost yearly options available.

Once you sign up you can watch as many shows as you want. And all the content can be viewed using web-enabled devices, such as internet-connected TVs, computers, tablets, and mobile phones.

The network operates in the same way as pay TV; only in this case the content is aired through the internet rather than through a cable line. The JTS.TV platform sources content from independent providers, and the more viewership a series receives, the higher the proceeds the show receives.

What is JTS.TV?

JTS.TV launched in Jan 2013 and was built for people who are willing to pay for quality content, but are not willing to sit through commercials and don’t want to blindly throw their money away with a traditional cable TV subscription.

If this sounds familiar, and you wish to access JTS.TV, all you need to do is sign up and select your subscription plan of choice.

Essentially, it is a win-win situation for all parties involved – subscribers watch their favorite independent shows at a fraction of the cost, content providers get to market their product, and JTS.TV is able to provide an excellent service to a growing niche industry. Without doubt, this is a great spin on an old model, and is proving to be extremely successful.

Cable TV Alternatives

There are more and more people looking for Cable TV Alternatives, opting to watch TV online and OTA rather than through an expensive cable TV subscription. This is because cable TV is pricey, and people are forced into paying for an entire package of channels – most of which they will never watch.

With JTS.TV, you also pay one flat fee, but at $3.99 a month vs. upwards of $100 a month, you’re getting a lot more for your dollar.

As always, comments are welcome and encouraged. Cheers!

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  1. Updated some sections. More links. Formatting changes.

Frank Moraes
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6 replies on “JTS.TV Review: Is This Online TV Station Still Relevant as Cable TV Alternative?

this is a great site, it is very informative and helpful, i hope JTS.TV is available everywhere, unlike Aereo & Skitter.TV

I took the three day pass on this. Interesting entertainment. Sometimes the signal craps out but JTS recommends reloading the page. Some buffering issues in the middle of the programming, too.

Hi Rick – thanks for the feedback. I absolutely right, if you look around you can find some of these shows for free on youtube and niche websites. I think the added value of JTS.TV, like with Hulu, is that you can manage all your shows under a single platform. Making navigation a bit less troublesome.

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