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About hotdog.com – How We Help You Ditch Cable & Save Money Watching TV Online

HotDog.com is one of the oldest cord-cutting resources on the web. Since 2011, we’ve helped consumers break the chains of their cable TV contracts with detailed and easy-to-understand information. In the process, our readers have saved millions.

Over the years, HotDog.com has become the go-to destination for cord-cutting tutorials, streaming reviews, and industry news. If it has to do with watching video content without a cable or satellite contract, you’ll likely find it here. And if you can’t, you can email us or post a comment. We’re here to help.

About HotDog.com

HotDog.com has been in business for a decade and a half but until recently we were called KillTheCableBill.com. Like many websites, it started as a single guy just trying to make sense of the world.

At the time, there was a lot of information about cutting the cord — too much information — with most of it wrong or incomplete. This website was meant to change that. And it seemed to work because it not only became very popular, it also spawned its own community.

Over the years, the industry changed. In 2011, Netflix was still two years away from producing its first original show. It was just months after Hulu started charging for its service. Most important, it wasn’t until 2015 that the era of live TV streaming started with Sling TV. We were here through it all.

With all that change in the industry has come change to HotDog. It’s not a question of how to watch major TV events without cable. No one wonders if you need cable to watch The Bachelor (although if you want to know how we explain it). Now people want to know how to navigate a diverse and expanding selection of content that is poorly served by cable and satellite when it is served at all.

HotDog.com explains how to stream everything from speech tournaments at your local high school to cricket matches in rural India. It is a fantastic time for streaming entertainment. But as a result, viewers need more guidance than ever to find out what they want to watch and how they can watch it.

We are constantly producing new reviews, background content, tutorials, data studies, analysis, and news content about all aspects of the streaming experience. And we have been expanding into other fields beyond (but related to) streaming. This includes hardware as well as technologies like VPNs that help cord-cutters make the best use of their resources.


HotDog.com is run by a small but passionate group of fellow cord-cutters:


HotDog has always had a sense of community and our readers look to us to solve problems. As a result, we get a lot of positive feedback.

  • “I wanted to thank you! I’ve dropped cable TV and I’m so much happier being able to select what I want to pay for and not being ripped off by [my cable company]! Thank you again!!” –Donna M
  • “Many thanks and much appreciated. It’s so nice of you that you helped me with a detailed and fast response.” –Shankar C
  • “This is a great site; it is very informative and helpful.” –Dan
  • “Just stumbled across your site… Best site I’ve seen on the subject.” –Renee M
  • “This is great, thanks for keeping people aware. As much as people want to save money by not pouring their hard-earned funds down the cable toilet, we also don’t want to be taken advantage of. Thanks again.” –Michelle N
  • “As always, you never fail to deliver [HotDog] with our dose of online reference to reducing cable bill costs. Thanks as always!” –Mikhail
  • “This is spectacular information, and it is very organized and easy to understand.” –Beth
  • Thanks for all the info on how to watch basic TV stations OTA via an antenna.” –Kathy S
  • “Thanks. Canceled Cable two months ago because of what I learned on [HotDog].” –Julie P
  • “Great Article. Thanks for inspiring me to make a change. Just Canceled Cable and have set up our Netflix queue with educational shows for my kids…” –Haylie
  • “Great information! Really enjoy reading about upcoming shows.” –Bill C
  • “Love your newsletter! I took your advice from last newsletter and got Paramount+ for .99 for first 2 months from my fire stick.” –Beverly C
  • “Thank you so much for the info! This is very useful as I’ve been going around in circles and getting nowhere.” — George N

On the other hand, we’ve also been criticized and teased for our new name:

  • “One word….STUPID.” –Irish Lass
  • “I think Hotdog.com is a ridiculous name for your function.” –Stephen B

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